Unless you are proficient with modifying WordPress Themes, is how to install Google Tag Manager in a WordPress site.
Now your container is set up, open it and go to Admin.Now Click on the gear symbol next to “Install Google Tag Manager”.
This is the code snippet,now just copy the GTM Id and paste that in WordPress Plugin
To install Google Tag Manager,copy and paste that code snippet into WordPress.
If you are using a Purchased theme,then you might not want to edit your theme directly.Then you just modify your theme using a child theme. In both case, the process of pasting in the code snipped is similar.
Now Test that Google Tag Manager is Correctly Installed in WordPress
Now use Tag Assistant (by Google) to make sure that Google Tag Manager is installed correctly.
Open the Chrome browser, and install Tag Assistant. Once Tag Assistant is installed, simply navigate to a page on your site, and click on the tag icon at the top of your browser. You should see a green tag labeled “Google Tag Manager”, indicating that GTM has been successfully installed.
That’s it now you can see that the Tag was Added Successfully.
If your not a developer and don’t want to edit the code and add those all stuff,Then there is way to make it simple by adding a plugin,visit this http://nectarspot.com/blog/gtm/how-to-install-google-tag-manager-on-your-wordpress-using-plugin/ you can find how to setup google tag manager using plugin